Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Year Numero Dos!

As I've now safely returned to the wonderfully warm Costa Rica after several months of travels, I thought it about time to write an update!
My dear roommate and amiga, Meghan, welcomed me back "home" to Costa Rica!

Here are a few highlights since the last time I wrote (back around Thanksgiving time):

--I have now completed more than half of my master's program... yesss!! Three trimesters completed and just two more to go!..oh, and then there's that thesis to finish, too!!

--My dear college friend, Ambercita, came for a visit and we enjoyed ferry rides, beaches, waterfalls and spending time with my friends and classmates in Costa Rica before embarking on our first border-crossing by bus. In Nicaragua, we reunited with college friends, Dan and Amy, and festively celebrated Amy's marriage to Gonzalo, and also the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary on December 7th. It also sounded pretty neat to "board" (slide/sled) down a volcano, so we did that too! At the bottom of the volcano we "boarded"!!! We wore these super suits and chemistry class-like goggles to protect us as we came down at an avg. of 45km/hr.

--I arrived home to a frigid Midwest and wasted no time in throwing on the long john's and winter coat to go cut down a snow-covered Christmas tree. --Christmas celebrations were wonderfully comforting, restful, food-filled and winter wonderland-esque.
A morning visitor at our house! I've loved showing this photo to friends here in Costa Rica. They all get a rather surprised look on their faces and then ask, "but, is that real?!!"

--Time with Dad and Mom, as well as many loved friends and extended family made for a very heartwarming 5 weeks at home. --My first caucus experience was one to never be forgotten! Made me proud to be an Iowan and have the privilege of participating in the nation's first caucus... go Obama!

--Upon arrival to Costa Rica, bus tickets were purchased to head south to Panama, where my Sugar Creek Camp bud, Keefe, and I enjoyed hiking through a beautiful cloud forest, the sites of Panama City including the impressive Panama Canal, and then 4 days snorkeling and soaking up the rays in a slice of paradise called the San Blas Islands.

Hiking in the Volcan Baru cloudforest, which encompasses Panama's one and only volano.

Here's what our little slice of paradise looked like... during the days we would be taken by a small motorboat to an island such as this one and spend the day there. This island had a sunken ship nearby, which naturally provided some amazing snorkeling.

The Kuna Yala indigenous people live on the San Blas Islands. The women make molas, a wonderful art form that is similar to quilting, which they then incorporate into the blouses they wear. A mola such as the one pictured here can take up to 15 days to complete.

That brings us, mas o menos, up to date, where I am now in the fourth week of classes and glad to be back in a normal routine again. It's been a great start to a second year, especially as I've reflected much on all of what last year held and also imagined all the possibilities for this year.

I will be in Costa Rica until December, completing my Human Rights and Peace Education degree and (cross our fingers) graduating in late November. My volunteer involvement with Rotary is continuing, although my scholarship year has ended. I feel incredibly blessed to be embarking on year numero dos in Costa Rica, and I am thankful for the momentous support and affirmation from all of you! Gracias!

As good as it is to be back in Costa Rica again, it just so happens that one week from today I will be boarding a plane and flying to Miami where the Nelson familia will meet up for the start of a 14-day trans-Atlantic cruise which will make stops in Portugal and end in Barcelona. We'll do the tourist thing around Barcelona for 5 days before then heading back to the U.S. and to Central America. We can't wait for the time together as a family, and are excited to finally live out our dream of another "family cruise". So, as far as travel dates, I will be mostly out of contact from February 27-March 18.
A cruise ship passing through the lock at the Panama Canal. Each ship passing through the canal pays according to it's weight--the average ship pays $30,000.

As far as contact info for the year...

I have a NEW CELL PHONE NUMBER: country code 506. 8381-4103

My mailing address is the same:
Megan Nelson
Programa de Intercambio--UNA
c/o Paula Vargas
Apartado 2598-3000
Heredia, Costa Rica
America Central

Pura vida,