As I near the close of this chapter of "travel" in Costa Rica, I have been reflecting on the reality that although I will have lived abroad (in Puebla and later Monterrey, Mexico and now in Costa Rica) for a total of nearly three years, I am still on a quest to learn what it means to travel well. I don't have all the quirks figured out on how to gracefully survive life abroad. True, I could probably give a decent crash course entitled Living Life Abroad 101, but I am by no means an expert nor do I ever hope to be really. That might minimize some of those necessary stress-induced adrenaline rushes and painfully embarassing cultural faux pas that make for great story telling and great reflection and growth. Traveling, be it short-term or more extended journeys, is a part of my life that I have been so blessed by and have enjoyed tremendously. I have the desire and the will to commit to traveling my whole life long, si Dios quiere (God-willing).
I was recently rereading the inspirational words of Sami Sunchild (a name that also inspires, no?) and there are so many beautiful ideas to be lived out and incorporated in one's experiences while traveling... be that within one's home country or while experiencing life abroad.
I am so grateful for the opportunity I have been given to "learn and to listen" --thanks to the support of the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship as well as the support of my loved ones.
When You Travel
When you travel
Take peacemaking
And friendship and learning
And listening as your sacred,
God given duty.
Refuse to carry with you
An empty head or an empty
Heart. Give thanks for every
Human encounter, every animal,
Bird, plant, that shares this
Gorgeous planet. Thank them,
Talk to them, nourish them.
Let no greed or selfish thoughts distract you. Let no
Anger, anxiety or bitterness
Accompany you. Travel
Unencumbered by too much stuff
Or by too many pre-
Conceived ideas. Enter every
New encounter with gratitude
For another opportunity
To learn and to listen,
To be the happiest and
Best travel ambassador on
Earth. Affirm your natural ability to balance out the
Injustices of the world.
Know that hate crimes will cease
When we listen to each other,
When selfishness and envy are
Replaced with
Compassion and when
Enemies become friends.
Hold in your mind a vision
Of a peaceful world
Where travelers are the
Sowers of the seeds of joy.
Sami Sunchild
Loving the "cow parade" that came to San Jose! Local artists were given the opportunity to design and make colorful a cow sculpture. There was so much variety, but the most commonly used themes were nature and coffee, which, of course, makes sense since Costa Rica is known for it's stunning natural beauty and eco-tourism as well as for it's production of quality cafe--some of the best in the world!