Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Club Presentations
As part of my role as an ambassador of goodwill, as a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar, I give presentations to Rotary and non-Rotary audiences. Through these presentations, the idea is to personally help further international understanding by sharing of myself and of my experiences. Talking about my home country and culture allows for further cultural exchange, as when I later return home after my scholarship year, I am also required to visit with Rotary clubs and non-Rotary audiences alike to share about my experiences here in Costa Rica.
Meghan and I thought we better partner-up to share about our home country and our neighboring states--Minnesota and Iowa. Our presentation, entitled Service Above Self in Costa Rica: "Las Megans", shares about the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship and why we chose to apply, what we are each studying, if we like Costa Rica (and the answer, of course, is "Si!"), about our families, our home states and where we worked prior to coming to Costa Rica.
The video above captures one such presentation---which was given to the joint meeting of the Rotary and Rotaract clubs of Heredia, the city where we live and study. We have loved getting to know both of these clubs and they have warmly received us. We were honored to be able to share our presentation with them at this special end of the Rotary year meeting, where both club presidents were honored for their exceptional service to their clubs and to the betterment of Rotary and Rotaract in Costa Rica.
After each presentation, it is customary to exchange club flags, Meghan and I each presenting the club flags from our home clubs in the U.S. Hope you enjoyed the video!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Beauty and Butterflies
New born baby butterflies--we watched in wonder as they left their cocoon homes behind and discovered the movement of their bodies, stretching and using their tiny little legs during their first seconds of life. Truly captivating and wondrous.
Our kitchen is small, but we manage well, specializing in quick and tasty meal preparation--what else would you expect from busy graduate students?! Yes we do tend to cook "American style," but there is also regular buying and trying of the wide variety of Costa Rican produce! We love all the fresh fruits and funny looking vegetables we find at the market.
Just for kicks, here's my new physical address: 350 north of the National University, In front of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Iguazu Building, Apt. 4, Heredia Costa Rica
However, my MAILING (ooh, I looove mail!) address is:
Megan Nelson
Programa de Intercambio-UNA
c/o Paula Vargas
Apartado 2598-3000
Heredia, Costa Rica
America Central
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
When my "aunt" came to Costa Rica....
Another breed of monkeys to be found in the trees of the Manuel Antonio area are black in color and named Howler monkeys. As their name suggests, their vocal animal communication is an important part of their social behavior--most often used for marking their territory and communicating with their mates. The 'howls' are really more like roars and grunts, at first rather startling when never having heard such a thing before. We quickly became fascinated, however, with attempting our best impressions of these silly-sounding creatures. And much to our amusement, our monkey wanna-be attempts were often returned with the real deal. We were communicating with monkeys!! If you ever have the chance to be so lucky, Tia just might share with you a sound and video recording of our madness!
Speaking of madness, there was much MaNgO MaDnEsS as we all enjoyed our daily mango eating at lunch and/or snack time. Tia was especially keen on the mangoes, clearly a pro in the peeling and art of eating this fibrous fruit. A bit messy, as well as a bit comical when the fibrous strings of mango were stuck in teeth or smeared across our faces and noses as Tia is so acutely demonstrating in the photo below.